The Role of Physical Therapy in Plantar Fasciitis Management

Are you suffering from plantar fasciitis and looking for relief? You might be surprised to learn that physical therapy can provide long-term relief—read on to find out how!

By taking a closer look at the role of physical therapy in managing plantar fasciitis, this article aims to offer help and advice on dealing with this condition.

Physical therapy is an important part of the successful management of plantar fasciitis. Physical therapy can help reduce pain, improve range of motion and strength, as well as correct any biomechanical abnormalities which could have contributed to the development of plantar fasciitis.

This paper will discuss the role physical therapy plays in the successful management of plantar fasciitis, including physical interventions such as stretching, massage, ultrasound and electric stimulation; strengthening exercises; protective measures; and footwear advice. Furthermore, it will explain why physical therapy is an integral part of recovery from plantar fasciitis and rehabilitation of this condition.

Definition of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain, especially among runners and other athletes who place repetitive stress on the foot. It refers to an inflammatory condition of the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot that runs from the toes to the heel bone — known as the plantar fascia. The condition manifests itself by causing searing or stabbing pain when weight is placed on the heel, and most noticeably when taking the first steps after prolonged periods of inactivity. People with plantar fasciitis may also experience swelling, redness, and thickening of the skin overlying this particular region.

Plantar fasciitis typically arises due to increased physical activity or aging, but it can also be caused by wearing ill-fitted footwear, training on inappropriately hard surfaces, sudden increase in training intensity or duration, and poor biomechanics caused by leg-length discrepancies or overpronation (rolling in) while walking.

The primary objectives of treatment include reducing inflammation and alleviating painful symptoms. In addition to traditional medical interventions such as anti-inflammatory medications and shoe modifications, physical therapy plays a key role in managing this condition as it can offer relief from both short-term pain and long-term recurrence by improving muscle function around affected regions as well as addressing underlying biomechanical issues.

Goals of Physical Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis

The primary goals of physical therapy for plantar fasciitis are to:

  • Reduce pain associated with the condition
  • Improve flexibility and strength in the area affected by the inflammation
  • Restore range of motion in the involved joint(s)
  • Promote mobility by increasing muscle coordination and control of movement patterns
  • Enhance tissue healing and return patients to their normal level of daily activities as soon as possible.

In addition to these treatment goals, physical therapy may also be used to develop a specific exercise program, which may include stretching, strengthening and proprioception exercises. Furthermore, manual therapy techniques such as soft tissue mobilization may be utilized to reduce adhesions that have formed due to chronic inflammation. Often times, modalities such as electrotherapy (i.e., electrical stimulation) are used in order to reduce muscle spasm or improve pain through modulation techniques. As plantar fasciitis is often an overuse injury, it is imperative that education regarding proper biomechanics and limitations of activity is addressed in order for a full recovery from this condition.

Reduce pain and inflammation

Physical therapy plays an important role in the effective management of plantar fasciitis. The primary goals of physical therapy are to reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility, and restore strength in the affected area. To achieve these aims, a physical therapist may utilize various therapeutic treatments such as massage, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization and stretching exercises. All these treatment modalities are intended to promote healing while providing relief from pain and discomfort.

Additionally, strengthening exercises can help to prevent further injury by restoring balance of the muscles surrounding the foot and ankle complex. Other forms of treatment used for plantar fasciitis include orthotic devices such as arch supports or heel wedges, shoe modifications and activity modifications.

By using a combination of these treatment approaches along with patient education on proper posture and body mechanics during activities of daily living, it is possible to reduce symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis in a safe and effective manner.

Restore normal foot function and range of motion

Physical therapy is an important part of treating plantar fasciitis and restoring foot function and range of motion. The goals of this treatment are to reduce pain, improve strength, promote flexibility and restore normal gait mechanics. Treatment plans should be tailored based on the individual severity and underlying cause.

Exercises to stretch the plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles are recommended to increase flexibility and reduce pain. Strengthening exercises of the intrinsic muscles of the foot and lower leg can also help restore biomechanical effectiveness, as weakness in these muscles can contribute to plantar fasciitis. Gait retraining drills may also be prescribed to restore normal gait mechanics, decrease strain on the plantar fascia at heel-strike, reduce shin splints due to altered load distribution in the legs during gait, heal tension in gastrocnemius-soleus complex over contracture or trigger points that have developed due to excessive strain from exercise or overuse of footwear.

In addition modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation may help with pain control for some people presenting with plantar fasciitis.

III. Initial Evaluation and Treatment

During the initial evaluation, physical therapists must assess the stressors that underlie plantar fasciitis. This may include assessing the patient’s posture and gait, joint range of motion, walking biomechanics, strength and flexibility of musculature that supports the foot and ankle, and joint mobility. It is critical to differentiate between conditions that can be associated with plantar fasciitis like calcaneal spur syndrome or metatarsal stress fractures. Localized pain in the heel should be evaluated for intratendinous tears in patients that report having a sudden onset of pain or inability to walk without limping.

After diagnosis, physical therapists tend to focus on reducing inflammation with modalities such as ice or ultrasound as well as mobilizing soft tissue and joints along the lower extremity kinetic chain. Soft tissue mobilization can typically include myofascial release along common trigger points where muscles reference pain in other parts of the body, such as the calves, knees, hips and low back area. Physiotherapists should also use orthotic devices during stretching sessions or prescribe custom orthotics for symptom management. Additionally, avoid over-stretching when flexor stretch tolerance of low grade discomfort is present 6.

In addition to manual therapy based interventions a combination approach involving instruction in self-management strategies with supervised exercises has also shown promising clinical outcomes 7.

Medical history and physical examination

In evaluating a patient with plantar fasciitis, the physical therapist will conduct a detailed medical history and physical examination to identify contributing factors that require treatment. Medical history should include questions about the location of pain, radiating pain patterns, frequency and duration of symptoms, previous treatments, work or activity level, recent weight bearing activities or exercises that may have caused symptoms, any activities where relief is obtained during performance or after completion of activity, areas of gait abnormality or changes in gait pattern. Additionally other medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus should be identified and ruled out before beginning treatment.

The physical examination should begin with an evaluation of the patient’s posture and alignments in standing and sitting to look for causes of improper force distribution throughout the foot. Foot compliance should be assessed to make sure that it is not overstrained by being too flexible or not flexible enough due to structural deformities like high arches. Range of motion measurements can be taken at all ankle joint motions; one particularly important test for plantar fasciitis patients is the ability to reach their toes comfortably with their knee straight or slightly bent. Muscle strength assessments are also important for evaluating muscle imbalances which can cause alignment problems in flat feet or excessively arched feet causing plantar fascia stress. Any tightness in quadriceps muscles which can lead to limited hip flexion while walking can also contribute to plantar fasciitis symptoms. Other tests include palpation over the subtalar joint line to check for any tender points indicative of arthritis; palpation over the medial arch and heel area will help determine if any tightness exists on these structures as well as if they are tender when palpated.

Gait analysis and biomechanical assessment

Gait analysis and biomechanical assessment involve a careful examination of the patient’s current stance, posture, and walking pattern. This includes the analyzing of limb alignment, joint range of motion (ROM), center of gravity and force production during particular lower extremity movements. With the use of sophisticated technology such as video cameras and pressure plates, physical therapists can measure the angle at which a patient plants his/her foot while walking.

The way a person walks or stands can increase stress on the plantar fascia ligament, contributing to the development of heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. As such, physical therapists may recommend modified shoes or orthotic devices with specialized inserts to reduce tension in this area. Such devices provide structurally sound support that can help prevent recurrence when inappropriately positioned feet/heels are retracted in their corrected positions.

Physical therapists may also recommend gait retraining exercises to address any biomechanical imbalances associated with plantar fasciitis.

Specific Physical Therapy Interventions

When plantar fasciitis is suspected, the patient should be referred to a physical therapist for further assessment and treatment. With the information gained from the first visit, physical therapists can make recommendations as to which interventions would likely be beneficial for the individual. It is important to remember that each person is unique and their treatment should be tailored accordingly.

Physical therapy interventions for plantar fasciitis can include stretching of the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon, strengthening exercises for foot muscles, range of motion exercises such as dorsiflexion, soft tissue massage, electrical stimulation, ultrasound therapy, use of night splints or custom orthotics devices to reduce stress on the area, cryotherapy (icing), taping or bracing of feet/ankles and aquatic therapy. Subsequent visits may also include patient education about proper foot care or shoe modifications.

It is important to note that these interventions are not always done in isolation; they often form part of an overall plan tailored specifically for an individual’s needs. The physical therapist may also suggest alternate treatments such as medications or certain lifestyle changes if appropriate. In some cases where more aggressive treatments are required (e.g., corticosteroid injection), a secondary referral may also be made to other specialists such as a podiatrist or orthopedist.

Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises for the calf and Achilles tendon can help reduce pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Calf stretches are especially effective. These can be done as part of a warm-up or cool-down or as part of a regular stretching program. In addition, yoga and tai chi can enhance strength, flexibility and balance in the foot and ankle, further helping to limit plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Another useful stretching exercise is deep, slow stretching of the plantar fascia on the bottom of your foot using a massage ball, rolled up towel or even your fists. This stretch should be done while keeping your toes pointed down and back to best target the plantar fascia. Regularly rolling a frozen bottle of water under the arch of your feet is also an effective way to stretch out tightness in this area.

Physical therapy professionals are well-qualified to design customized stretching programs that are tailored to meet an individual’s needs based on their abilities, range-of-motion deficits and current activity level. As with any type of therapeutic exercise regimen, it is important for people with plantar fasciitis symptoms to stretch regularly in order to maintain their progress from physical therapy intervention.

Strengthening exercises

In addition to stretching, strengthening exercises are important for correcting imbalances in the calf and foot muscles that can contribute to plantar fasciitis. Heel raises are an important exercise that target the soleus muscle and improve flexibility as well as strength. To do a heel raise, stand with both feet on a risers, such as a platform or stair step. Keep your knees straight while you raise your heels off the platform and hold for two seconds before lowering down. For best results, do two sets of 12 reps daily.

Calf raises are another important strengthening exercise recommended for helping to manage plantar fasciitis. They help to strengthen the gastrocnemius muscle, which is involved in ankle control and flexibility. To do a calf raise, stand behind a thigh-high surface so that you can rest your hands on it for support if needed. Place one foot slightly forward of the other with both feet flat on the ground and then lift up onto your toes as high as possible before returning back to starting position. Do 2 sets of 12 reps twice per day for best results.

Progression of Treatment

The goal of treatment is to reduce stress and tension on the plantar fascia and associated muscles while helping the body heal. A physical therapist can help you create a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and history.

As your symptoms improve, progression of therapeutic exercise will be necessary in order to adequately manage the underlying cause of plantar fasciitis. Exercises incorporated may include range of motion exercises, foam rolling, calf stretching, single-leg squats, planks, bridges and more advanced stretches such as wall calf reaches. Strengthening exercises will also be included in your home program; this may include heel raises with or without dumbbells/weighted objects added or use of gym machines/resistance bands for resisted ankle plantar flexion or dorsiflexion strengthening movements.

Your physical therapist will also provide instruction for proper foot biomechanics when walking/running to further decrease mechanical stresses placed on the plantar fascia as well as incorporating proprioceptive drills for balance control changes if deemed necessary. Overall, progression through a comprehensive home program with close follow up from a physical therapist can be beneficial in managing the symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis while preventing potential flare ups post treatment initiation.

Gradual increase in activity level and intensity

Gradual increase in activity level and intensity is an important facet of physical therapy for managing plantar fasciitis. Gradual increases in physical activity are essential to promote recovery from this condition and reduce the risk of further injury or aggravation. For example, patients may begin with light walking or stationary biking, then progress to heel drops and calf stretching/strengthening exercises. Over time, activities such as running, jumping, and plyometric exercises can be reintroduced at a gradual pace with the guidance of a trained physical therapist.

The primary goal of gradually increasing activity level and intensity is to improve strength, flexibility and endurance without overloading the soft tissue structures which may further injure them. This is best achieved through appropriate warm-ups prior to exercise which mobilize the relevant joints (ankles, hips). Additionally, cool-downs utilizing stretching exercises are recommended following exercise in order to encourage relaxation of muscles used during activities. A trained physical therapist will be able to advise on appropriate warm-up/cool down techniques that are tailored to each individual patient’s specific needs in order to optimize their recovery outcomes.

Integration of functional activities and exercises

After identifying relevant functional activities, the primary goal for physical therapists is to create an individualized treatment strategy to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance of muscles that support the arch and ankle. This treatment component is essential for increasing physical capacity and tolerance so patients can execute activities of daily life without significant pain or difficulty. After initially designing a therapeutic exercise program to target specific deficits in strength, flexibility, range of motion (ROM), body mechanics/posture, stability, balance/proprioception, aerobic fitness and weight management goals—the therapist must then progress the exercises using functional activities that replicate daily life tasks.

Throughout treatment sessions and home practice it is common to coach the patient on proper progression techniques such as increasing duration of time spent on the exercise or activity; increase tension or intensity; add multiple planes; incorporate asymmetrical patterns; boost balance challenges; transition from closed chain exercises to open chain movements; increase speed or velocity increases when appropriate while performing static holds (i.e., single leg stance); introduce sport specific drills as needed; encourage bilateral symmetrical movements that involve hips/core muscles into program design.

The ultimate goal for therapists is for proper performance at home so transitioning these activities into a comprehensive home program is paramount for successful outcomes. For example—performing squats accurately in clinic but not being able to replicate the same movement pattern at home due lack of adequate programming can hinder recovery in those with plantar fasciitis. Further complicating matters might be frequent travel schedules where access to care may be unpredictable or limited? Thus it is vital that motion diagnostic tools (i.e., power bands) are integrated into your programming tool bag if you expect positive results especially when working with gym-resistant populations who are unable to consistently attend in-clinic appointments due to job mobility/constantly changing surroundings etc…


Physical therapists should approach management of plantar fasciitis with a comprehensive, patient-centered and evidence-based plan. This should include the incorporation of non-invasive therapy combined with pharmacologic therapies, and possibly orthotic devices or injections only if necessary.

Studies have highlighted the benefits of physical therapy interventions often used in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, such as stretching and strengthening exercises to reduce pain and improve function. Physical therapists should also consider patient education on proper footwear selection and address any underlying medical problems or behavioral factors that may have contributed to the dysfunction.

The success of physical therapy for this condition will depend on individualizing treatment plans to account for underlying causes and co-existing factors, as well as identifying activity modifications for ultimate long-term success in relieving symptoms and improving mobility.

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